Restoring Comfort & Confidence: 5 Benefits Of Smile Makeovers

Smile makeovers boost your confidence and increase your comfort level. Whether you need a little straightening or a full dental reconstruction, a makeover can help you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Facing the World, With and Without a Makeover

You walk nervously into a room and shake the job interviewer’s hand. She flashes a beaming smile, and you return it with a closed-mouth grin that might be mistaken for sheepishness, indifference, or, worse, irony. You’ve just made your first impression, and it wasn’t a good one.

Your smile is the first thing people notice and the last thing people remember. Unfortunately, it often falls short of the ideal. Chips, cracks, stains, and imperfectly shaped or spaced teeth can mar a wonderful smile and lower your self-esteem. Sometimes people notice the imperfections; sometimes they don’t. Either way, your lack of confidence can affect the way you approach the world and the way the world approaches you.

The solution? Increasingly, people are turning to smile makeovers to correct their dental problems and give them the confidence they need to succeed in the world.

What Is a Smile Makeover?

Whenever someone undergoes multiple dental treatments to improve the aesthetics of their smile, it’s called a smile makeover. It means something different to everyone. It may be as simple as whitening and straightening the teeth for a brighter smile. It could mean more complicated work, such as dental reconstruction and a full porcelain veneer service.

Often, it includes a range of minor and major dental procedures—whatever it takes to achieve the ideal smile. At the end of the day, no two smile makeovers are the same.

Why Do People Get Smile Makeovers?

People head to the dentist for all sorts of reasons. Chief among them is the desire to correct common imperfections, such as:

  • Chips
  • Cracks
  • Stains
  • Gaps
  • Crowding
  • Overlaps
  • Asymmetries
  • Short teeth
  • Irregularly shaped teeth

These cosmetic flaws could be a minor problem, or they could be glaring and impair function.  Whether your problem is purely cosmetic, functional, or both, it results in the same troubles: self-consciousness, lack of self-esteem, discomfort, pain, and difficulty chewing. No matter how severe the problem, a smile makeover can lessen the emotional and physical burden while improving the overall look of your teeth.

5 Benefits of Smile Makeovers

Why should you spend the time and the money undergoing multiple dental procedures? Do the benefits outweigh the smile makeover costs? Before making a decision, consider these five rewards that come along with a smile renovation:

Benefit #1: Healthier Teeth and Gums

Anything that promotes dental health is a plus, and that includes smile makeovers. Contrary to popular opinion, makeovers aren’t merely cosmetic. Depending on the procedures you undergo, the transformation could go a long way toward restoring your dental health. Gaps and chips, for example, can create problems chewing. Overbites can affect the jaw. When you and your dentist work together to fix these common problems, you not only get a more beautiful smile, you also get a more effective bite and a healthier mouth.

Benefit #2: Less Pain, Greater Comfort

Along with those chips, gaps, overbites, and crowding comes discomfort. It could be mild—a mere irritation. It could be severe—a chronic thorn in your side. From jaw pain and toothaches to difficulty chewing and grinding in the night, the inconveniences come in many shapes and sizes. Either way, the best course of action is to address the problem before it causes any more suffering.

Benefit #3: Higher Confidence Levels

A more perfect smile leads to a more confident self. We hate to think that cosmetic imperfections can undermine our morale, yet we all become self-conscious about our flaws, no matter how minor they may be.

For some, it creates a slight but constant feeling of uneasiness, a nagging sense that something isn’t right. For others, dental problems cause a great deal of social anxiety and mental turmoil. All too often, people who suffer from dental problems are hesitant to smile, to make eye contact, and even to socialize. A smile makeover can wash away that feeling of embarrassment. With a new smile comes renewed confidence. With higher self-esteem comes a new outlook on the world. That can be a life-changing experience.

Benefit #4: Greater Professional Success

Anyone who wants to increase their confidence can benefit from a smile makeover. For some people, the need may be more urgent. Those who rely on their smile to get through the day—singers, actors, news anchors, reporters—are ideal candidates for obvious reasons. When your appearance is a cornerstone of your professional life, a smile makeover is more than a personal expense; it’s a long-term investment.

It’s not just performers who get a leg up, either. Business people and entrepreneurs who spend a great deal of their time in meetings; customer service representatives who interact with clients on a daily basis—can all benefit from the increased self-esteem that comes with a great smile.

Even if you don’t appear on the nightly news; even if you’re not the face of your company, you can reap the professional rewards of a smile makeover. The next time you float a great idea at a meeting; the next time you walk into your boss’ office to ask for a raise, you can do it with a beaming, confident smile that’s sure to boost your chances of success.

Benefit #5: Improved Romantic Life

Whether you’re currently in a relationship or still looking for the right person, nothing ups the romance factor more than a flawless smile. We all hope the person we’re with loves us despite our flaws, yet it never hurts to show people we care by improving our appearance. You would never go on a first date wearing your dirtiest t-shirt and faded sweatpants. Why would you let stains and chips interfere with the passion of a great relationship?

Should I Get a Smile Makeover?

Do you avoid the mirror after brushing your teeth? Do you keep your mouth closed when you smile for pictures? Does meeting new people make you nervous? Do your jaws or teeth ache after eating? If you’re one of the millions who suffer from self-consciousness and discomfort resulting from poor dental health, you may benefit from a smile makeover.

Even if your smile simply falls short of your ideal, a little bit of dental work can go a long way toward restoring your confidence. Think how much money people spend renovating their homes. How much more important is it to renovate the face you show to the world day in and day out?

What Should I Include in My Makeover?

Deciding whether to undergo dental work and which treatments you want or need is a highly personal decision. You and your dentist should discuss your needs and wants, in particular: What dental problems do you suffer from? What bothers you? What procedures will do the most to improve your overall oral health? How much can you afford? How much dental work can you tolerate? Since each procedure is tailored toward each individual, there are no hard and fast rules.

If you’re still unsure about the need for a makeover, talk to the experienced professionals at The Cosmetic Dentists of Austin. We’ve performed countless procedures, and we’ve seen the benefits first-hand. Over the years, we’ve watched our patients transform their smiles and their lives by taking charge of their dental care. Visit our Smile Makeover Gallery to see some of the incredible results that come with a little dental work.

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