Let An Austin Cosmetic Dentist Transform Your New Year With A Smile Makeover!

Every year at this time, after all the parties and holiday festivities, most of us start thinking about how we are going to start the new year. It’s a time of resolutions, pledges, turning over a new leaf and generally looking toward to a better and more productive year. Some of us want to lose weight, others want to get a new job, a boyfriend, get married or pursue a specialized degree. All worthwhile pursuits.

When you think of it, the new year is a time of transformation. What better way to undertake the start of a new year than to transform your smile. Unlike, other new year’s resolutions, it does not require an immense amount of your time or effort. If your not happy with your smile, it’s time to make a New Year’s resolution to let an Austin cosmetic dentist transform your smile. The Cosmetic Dentists of Austin can transform your smile in as few as two visits over a period of just two weeks. With our Express Service Smile Makeover your smile can be transformed in just one week!

My dental partner Dr. John M. Hay, DDS, LVIF and I have a combined 40+ years experience in cosmetic dentistry. We have completed thousands of Smile Makeovers during our careers and we are both “LVI Dentists” – graduates of the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Aesthetic Dentistry. We offer a wide array of dental treatments including, dental implants, porcelain veneers, all-porcelain tooth crowns, dental bridges, sedation dentistry and and even reconstructive dentistry for people extensive tooth damage or decay. Our experience means we complete your Smile Makeover correctly the first time out without hassles or disappointments.Visit our Smile Gallery to see an amazing collection of beautiful, youthful smiles.

If your dental problems involve any of the following, we can correct them with a Smile Makeover:

  • Damaged, chipped or cracked teeth
  • Unsightly gaps
  • Missing or worn teeth
  • Severely stained or dark-colored teeth
  • Badly damaged or decayed teeth
  • Discolored teeth
  • Bite problems
  • Crooked teeth- we can fix them without braces and avoid years of dental treatment!

We are award-winning cosmetic dentists in Austin Texas, providing smile makeovers, dental implantsporcelain veneersall-porcelain tooth crowns, dental bridgesreconstructive dentistrysedation dentistry and more. Start your new year with a Cosmetic Dentists of Austin Smile Makeover and watch the transformation begin. Just look at our Smile Gallery, and see for yourself how other people, just like you, transformed their smiles! Call today to schedule a Complimentary Consultation at 512.333.7777 and get started on your new year smile!

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